Los Angeles Mayoral Debate

On February 18th I arrived on campus to find a bright blue channel 7 news van parked outside the colleges student union building. Nervous and timid I decided to ask around about why there was a news van up front,  I learned that there was a mayoral debate taking place in the Student Union building that night. As a volunteer photographer for the University times my university's news paper, I thought it would be a great story and I called my editor and found a writer to cover the

The next thing after finding out about the debate I did research, I was already told that it was hosted by the Pat Brown institute so I was able to contact them and get my name on the list for the event as press. After making sure I was even allowed at the event (which I really should have done before calling my editor and getting a writer) I did research on the five main candidates found pictures of how they looked as well as some background information on them as candidates.

When it came time for the event my friend (who was the writer) and I were extremely nervous it was the first time any of us had covered a big story.  We checked in and received a press kit and was ushered into the theater where the debate was being held. The heater was dark while the stage brightly lit with large spot lights covered with diffusion paper to create a flattering light for the five television cameras that covered the back wall of the theater. on the sides of the stage were speakers and televisions showing the live stream to the news. On the actual stage were six beautiful clear acrylic podiums all with name plates, one for the host which was placed on the left side of the stage and the other five placed center stage for each of the candidates. On the right side of the stage was a small table with three chairs and  name plates for the debate moderators.

There were about four other photographers and  about a dozen reporters at the event it was just exciting to be in their presence and seeing how they work. My friend was getting giddy because she over heard the person that sat behind us and found out he was a writer for the Los Angeles Times! I was excited to see the photographers and how they worked most had fast glass and most had two cameras one with a long lens like 70-200mm and one with a zoom probably 24-70. One lens caught my eye though this woman from the LA Times has a huge lens probably a 300 or 400 2.8  on a mono pod, the lens was huge! as big as the podiums kinda not really.

I had a great time at the event and  hope to get more assignments and stories like this to do in the future. It was a great hands on learning experience I got some good pictures for the news paper and made the front page and cant wait too do it again and maybe one day after college I can make this my career.


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