Bomb Threat at CSULA

On April 18 2013 at about 12:20 the campus of California State University Los Angeles was evacuated due to a possible bomb threat. According to the El Monte police department a threat to the school was called in by a person with a male voice. The call was made from  a Carls Jr fast food restaurant in the city of El Monte.

When the alarms went off many students with myself included thought it was just a drill. Luckily I took pictures just in case it turned into something serious which it did. Police and faculty weaved in and out of the crowds of students and told everyone to evacuate the campus.

I  felt I needed to stay on campus and document what was going on but many felt the opposite. The roads soon flooded with hundred of cars trying to get off campus and by 1:30 the roads were clear.

I saw a few news vans around campus and i eventually saw a reporter and his camera man I approached them and gave them information and they let me follow them as they worked and I was able to get pictures as well .

I followed the reporters around school and I found great pictures. Eventually we got the media center in one of the schools parking lots. At the media center there were  half a dozen news trucks from many different stations. We then heard news of a  update on the situation and the police promised to have the chief but the chief never showed.

Fortunately the dorms were cleared and later that night the actual campus was cleared and nothing was found.


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